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At AppleAtcha, we believe that fresh, locally-grown produce is not only delicious but also vital for building healthy communities. That’s why we’ve taken on the challenge of reclaiming former mining land to create an apple orchard that supplies our community with fresh, organic fruit.

In this blog post, we’ll take you through the journey of an apple from blossom to fruit, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at the process and highlighting the benefits of locally-grown produce.

Planting the Trees

The first step in the apple growing process is to plant the trees. At AppleAtcha, we’ve carefully selected varieties of apple trees that are well-suited to our local climate and soil conditions. We’ve also chosen disease-resistant varieties to reduce the need for chemical treatments.

When planting apple trees, it’s important to space them out properly to allow for adequate sunlight and airflow. We’ve spaced our trees to ensure they have plenty of room to grow and thrive.

Caring for the Trees

Once the trees are planted, it’s time to start caring for them. Apple trees require regular pruning to promote healthy growth and fruit production. We prune our trees in the winter months when they are dormant, removing any dead or diseased branches and shaping the tree for optimal fruit production.

We also apply organic fertilizer to the trees in the spring to provide them with the nutrients they need to grow and produce fruit. And during the growing season, we monitor the trees for pests and diseases, taking action as needed to protect the fruit.


In the spring, apple trees burst into bloom with beautiful, fragrant blossoms. This is a crucial time for the trees, as it’s when pollination occurs. Pollinators like bees and butterflies visit the blossoms to collect nectar and pollen, transferring pollen from flower to flower and enabling the trees to produce fruit.

At AppleAtcha, we’re committed to supporting pollinators and creating a healthy ecosystem on our orchard. We’ve planted wildflowers and other native plants to provide food and habitat for pollinators, and we avoid using chemical pesticides that can harm them.

Fruit Development

After pollination, the apple trees begin to produce fruit. The tiny fruit grows rapidly, fueled by the nutrients provided by the tree and the energy from the sun.

As the fruit grows, we monitor it carefully, checking for signs of pests or disease and taking action as needed to protect it. We also thin the fruit to ensure that each apple has enough space to grow to its full size and develop its characteristic flavor and texture.


Finally, the apples are ready for harvest! At AppleAtcha, we pick our apples by hand, carefully selecting each fruit at its peak ripeness to ensure the best flavor and texture.

Once the apples are picked, we sort them by size and quality, storing them in cool, dark conditions to extend their shelf life. And we’re proud to say that all of our apples are sold locally, providing our community with fresh, nutritious fruit that supports the local economy and promotes healthy eating habits.

Benefits of Locally-Grown Produce

Growing apples locally has many benefits, both for our community and the environment. Here are just a few:

  • Fresher, tastier produce: Locally-grown produce is picked at its peak ripeness and doesn’t need to travel long distances, resulting in fresher, tastier fruits and vegetables.
  • Supporting the local economy: By buying locally-grown produce, we support local businesses, keeping our community strong and vibrant.
  • Reducing carbon emissions: When produce doesn’t have to travel long distances, it reduces carbon emissions from transportation, helping to minimize the carbon footprint of produce growing.

At AppleAtcha, we’re proud to be a part of the apple growing process from blossom to fruit, providing our community with fresh, organic fruit and creating local jobs on our orchard. Growing apples locally not only promotes healthy eating habits but also supports our local economy and helps reduce our environmental impact. We hope this behind-the-scenes look at the apple growing process has inspired you to seek out locally-grown produce in your own community and to appreciate the hard work that goes into bringing fresh, delicious fruit to your table.